Acupuncture Weight Loss Magnetic Earrings. The two bio-magnets are to be applied directly to the left ear as illustrated. Of course always ask your doctor before using ear magnets to be sure theyre safe for you.
The weight loss earrings according to the video work in a similar way as acupuncture. The theory supporting the science is based on acupuncture and the notion that applying pressure to certain places of the ear may begin and excite weight reduction. Effectively improves blood circulation promote metabolism.
It sounds a bit wacky but attaching magnets to certain spots on the ears might aid in weight loss.
Ultimately acupressure earrings are effective in treating diarrhea gas constipation and bloating as well as abdominal pain. It sounds a bit wacky but attaching magnets to certain spots on the ears might aid in weight loss. The idea behind the science is based on acupuncture and the notion that applying pressure to specific areas of the ear can jump start and stimulate weight loss. Magnetic devices abound among the no-diet-no-exercise weight loss aids.